Servant Leadership Behaviours | DEEP BHC | Dr. Madana Kumar, PhD

I have referred to the DEEP BHC behaviours of Servant Leaders in several other blogs, and I realise that I have not provided a comprehensive definition of these behaviours anywhere.

So here goes.

As you would find in several of my blogs, DEEP BHC behaviours are the set of behaviours that differentiate Servant Leaders from other leaders. These behaviours form the “seven” part of the 3-7-10 framework of Servant Leadership Implementation. (read about the 3-7-10 framework here)

  1. Demonstrating Conceptual Skills : Dream Bold and BIG. Participate in, and contribute to, creating a higher order purpose and an unconstrained vision for the organization. Transform a ‘What is’ frame of mind to ‘What if?’
  2. Empowerment: Invert the Traditional Organisational Pyramid. Enable and create a 1000 owners. Build a self-energising organization
  3. Emotional Healing : Understand human foibles and respond constructively with grace. Resolve friction and heal relationships with each other. Preserve fundamental human dignity & courage and value people as individuals
  4. Putting Others First : Focus on the needs of others first. Make it easy to share, practice active listening with empathy, give objective and constructive feedback.
  5. Behaving Ethically : Resolve to do the right things even when it is inconvenient. Practice accountability. Respect the dignity, diversity and rights of individuals and groups of people
  6. Helping Others Grow & Succeed : Adopt helping people grow and perform as the keystone strategy for long term success. Invest in the holistic development of others
  7. Creating Value for Community : Help others and the environment – voluntarily. Measure success without the lens of profit and based on the value it adds to others beyond one’s self

My research has established that these seven behaviours differentiate Servant Leaders from other leaders. These behaviours are measurable, and our MSLA 360 degree assessment measures them.


The author Dr. Madana Kumar, PhD is the Servant Leadership Evangelist at Leadyne. You can connect with him here or contact him here.

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